Human Resources jobs

Human Resources jobs

As experts in placing job seekers into jobs,  we recruit for many of China’s leading organisations. We recruit for a comprehensive range of HR jobs, including learning and development jobs, talent management jobs, HR administrator jobs, HR assistant jobs, HR manager jobs and compensation and benefits jobs. Our expert consultants offer a personalised recruitment service to guide you through every stage of the recruitment process, while our career advice will ensure you achieve your work ambitions. Search for human resources jobs below or speak to a recruiting expert to find out more about our services.  
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Career Advice

We aim to provide you with information, tips & guidance so that you feel as prepared as possible in the hunt for your new dream job or when asking for a promotion.

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Coming to China

Whether you are returning to China or have obtained a work visa, we can provide you with fast, easy access to multiple job opportunities within China's job market.

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